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What tricks can you do with the hookah.

That smoking with hookah is fashionable in our country is something that has not gone unnoticed by anyone. The popularity of these famous water pipes is so great that they have even become an object of leisure: the most expert smokers do tricks with hookah thanks to the smoke.

Seeing a person doing tricks with hookah smoke is a real spectacle: the most specialized are capable of creating real sculptures of smoke that volatilize in just a few seconds.

Although achieving mastery is the result of hours of training and talent, all people who are fond of smoking in shisha can manage to do some hookah tricks with smoke. For those who are wondering how to do tricks with smoke, here are some of the most basic ones to take the first steps:


Smoke rings are one of the few smoke tricks that cigarette smokers do. The difference is that with the hookah it is much simpler , because the quantity and density of the smoke is much greater.

Just a little practice is enough to achieve completely clear hoops and leave your colleagues with whom you share a table and shisha speechless.

To achieve this, all you have to do is inhale enough smoke, put your mouth in the shape of an O and gradually draw smoke out with the stroke of your tongue. That is, the smoke is not exhaled with the breath, but it is the tongue that 'pushes' the smoke out of the mouth with quick blows.


The French puff consists of making the smoke come out of the mouth and that it re-enters the body through the nose. It is a very surprising effect, because what usually happens with smoke is that it disperses. However, thanks to this technique, it may appear that one is able to manipulate smoke at will.

To do this, you have to keep a good puff of smoke in your mouth. The second step is to plug the entrance to the throat by pulling back one's tongue. Subsequently, the smoke is released by slowly pushing with the tongue continuously and, at the same time that the smoke is expelled, it must be inhaled through the nose.

Since the smoke comes out of the mouth mechanically, and not by breathing, it is possible to do this striking trick.

One note: the first few times it is very likely that you will have coughing fits. This is avoided as the technique is perfected. It is one of the funniest and most surprising smoke tricks for the 'spectators'.


Lastly, the dragon hookah trick. It is also simple, but for him you have to master the possibility of expelling smoke through the mouth and nose at the same time. Once he's got this down, he's pretty much done.

You have to take a large puff. Next, the mouth is placed as in a half smile with two open holes, one on each side. After that, it is enough to expel the air through the nose and mouth at the same time. The smoker will look like a real dragon expelling smoke before the fire attack .

These are the main and simplest hookah smoke tricks. Learning to make them is a matter of practice and the results will surprise the people with whom you spend time with these wonderful water pipes.

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